September 8th, 2009


15 Miles

It was a tough day with hernias stopping me multiple times and with a strong headwind all day, I wanted to quit.  It was more than my body was able to take and I had to be pulled the last mile into camp because the pain was more than I could take.The Parting of the ways is a significant mark on the trail because this is where you could turn and go NW to Oregon or SW to Utah and California.  I carried a stone with me since Porters Rock and laid it on the pile of stones at the Parting.


 It is meant to give you good luck if you add a stone to the pile.

The weather has been down into the twenties at night and I started walking this morning when it was 36 degrees.  Pretty chilly when all you have is your shirt for warmth.  I can only expect that it will continue to get colder as I continue west.  You get no sleep when your freezing all night long and that makes it a long and arduous hike the next day.