September 7th, 2009
Miles Unknown
Because of the elevation, the weather is getting much colder at night. Last night got down to 30 again and it is a struggle all night long to try and stay warm, especially in the nylon tent that Shirley and Gaylyn was using, now that I have lost my canvas tent.I tried to blaze new ground by being the first with a handcart to travel from Rock Creek Hollow to Pacific Springs but I only got to walk about half of the trail. I got stopped by the swampy conditions at Willow Creek and couldn’t find a crossing that I could do by myself, so I had to portage my cart around to just east of South Pass and then walk about another 6 miles down the valley, but I have now crossed the Continental Divide and feel that I am getting close to home now that I am on the west slope.
As I crossed Pacific Springs, which is an old stopping place for the pioneers along the route, I found the remnants of an old shoe that belonged to a child. I also found a piece of porcelyn.
As for my health, the leg and the feet are doing well but for some reason I have a new stabbing pain in a muscle in my shoulder and hip. I have no idea what that is all about but it is painful when it decides to flare up. Hernias are the same and I have learned how to deal with those most of the time. All in all, I can’t expect to feel any better than I do for the circumstances that I am in. Mentally, well I have always been a little on the edge, but as for the trek, I feel positive about my circumstances of how close I am to home. Eighteen more days!